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Article review – Gen Z, TikTok and the environment

Hey everyone, I have chosen to focus today’s blog on a web article written by Eliza Huber, which focuses on a similar topic of that my blog does, in that it discusses the ways in which TikTok stands out from other social media platforms in their involvement with fashion and the trends being constantly produced. This article focuses more closely on the environmental impacts that the community of TikTok is having on the planet, with the particular encouragement of buying second hand, making your own clothes and buying from smaller businesses being examples.

I wanted to share this article to you guys because I think that it further goes into details on how everyone can be more sustainable and the ways that fashion and TikTok plays large roles in this topic. I also chose it because of the fact that I think it is an interesting read and develops on the ideas and topics I have previously discussed in my blog. Therefore being of interest to anyone who may have enjoyed those blogs of mine and want more information on the topics discussed in them. I also think, although this article does take my blog’s main focus of, the role of TikTok in fashion, it focuses more closely on the sustainability aspects that TikTok promotes.

I think this is an important aspect as all of us can help in being more conscious in the ways we are purchasing and consuming fashion along with the help of TikTok content as explained in the article. The article focuses on not only the political and ethical side of sustainability but also highlights the ways TikTok as a platform prioritizes the discovery and success of small businesses that are ran more ethically. As well as this, the article highlights an important fact that the process of thrifting has almost became a trend for young users, with the idea of thrifting being romanticized through the short videos, as users with large followings promote it.

For me sharing this article with all of you, I do this in hopes of encouraging everyone, including myself to strive to buy clothing and other fashion items secondhand, from small businesses or to create them ourselves. This article made me realize that I should be creating more of what I wear and for much cheaper than buying online from an unethical business. With this information in mind, I am going to try to push my blog from now on to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. I am going to give sustainable alternatives when able.

Overall, I would highly suggest all of you to go check out the article. Link above, and make sure you go leave some support for Eliza the author of the article. Let me know what you think!! Thanks for reading my blog, and make sure you go and check out more of my posts 

Love from ,thesocialensemble, xx

Eliza's blog - Huber, E. (2020, September 25). Gen Z is using fashion TikTok to fight climate change. Will it work?. Refinery29.

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